BC United (BCU) is the current name of the political party formerly recognized as the British Columbia Liberal Party. The political party often characterizes itself as a “coalition advocating for free enterprise” and garners support from individuals affiliated with both the federal Liberal and Conservative parties. Since the 1990s, BC United, formerly known as the BC Liberals, has emerged as the primary center-right opposition party to the center-left New Democratic Party (NDP).
A total of eight individuals have assumed the role of premier in British Columbia, representing the BC United (BC Liberal) Party. These former BC Liberal premiers are Harlan Brewster, John Oliver, John MacLean, Duff Pattullo, John Hart, Boss Johnson, Gordon Campbell, and Christy Clark. Following the leadership election in 2022, Kevin Falcon became the leader of the party.
The NDP Have
Made life unaffordable
The NDP Have
Made life unsafe
The NDP Have
Made life unhealthy
We Can't Afford Another NDP Government
“We believe that innovation, courage, and outside-the-box ideas are crucial to solving our province’s biggest challenges, like healthcare, housing, public safety, and climate change.
We are committed to building a bright future now, and for generations to come.”
- WE BELIEVE in a prosperous economy
- WE BELIEVE in treating your hard-earned taxes respectfully
- WE BELIEVE in thinking long-term
- WE BELIEVE in innovation
- WE BELIEVE in your right to public safety
- WE BELIEVE in diversity
- WE BELIEVE there is no problem too big to fix, and no vision too bold to strive for